real fur coats

Real Fur Coats - Why Should You Buy A Real One Instead Of A Faux One?

Wearing a real fur garment has been a topic of strong debate the past years. Many people are opting for faux fur as an alternative solution and at the same time, owners of real fur coats are subject to harsh criticism. However there are plenty of good reasons to buy a real fur, instead of a faux one.
  • Aesthetic: People are buying a fur because they need a garment that will make them stand out of the pack. The natural beauty of a fur coat, the flexibility and the way it fits, cannot be imitated by a synthetic garment.  
  • Uniqueness: All furs are handmade and not a single pelt is 100% identical to the next pelt. Being handmade products, means that they are slightly asymetrical. This is the essence of beauty in nature. Our faces, our limbs, our bodies, are not completely identical. Otherwise, we would look like robots. The same applies for real fur coats.  
  • Ecology: Animals are renewable resources. 85% of the furs are made of animals bred in farms. Furthermore, fur is a natural biodegradable material. Once thrown it will decompose in 1-2 months. The decomposition of a faux fur requires decades. In addition, the lifespan of a real fur is 20 years in average and this makes it an environment friendly product, since you do not have to buy a new one every now and then,  
  • Versatility: Real fur coats can be worn both in formal and informal occasions. Faux fur coats are cheap and contradictory by nature. You cannot wear a symbol of status that costs pennies.  
  • Warmth: Real fur is one of the few natural materials that will keep you warm, without making you swet. They provide excellent insulation for the minimum weight and thickness.  
  • Texture: Once one acquires a fur, they never go back. The sensational feeling that you get, cannot be immitated by a faux fur.  
  • Design: The majority of fashion houses opts for fur coats that are real. There is a significantly bigger variety of designs to choose from.  
  • Remodeling: If you get bored with your coat and need a new fresh look, then you can have it remodeled. With a relatively small amount of money, you can have a whole new look.  
  • Customization: Faux fur coats are produced massively. On the other hand, real ones are made by skilled craftsmen. You can visit one and ask to create for you a garment to your own preferences.